ATA Carnet Guarantee Association
Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry
P.O. Box 402 Doha Qatar
Tel: 974.4455.5885
Fax: 974.4466.1693
Email: atacarnet@qcci.org
Website: https://qatarchamber.com/
Embassy in the US
Embassy of Qatar
2555 M Street N.W. Washington, DC 20037 USA
Tel: 202.274.1600
Fax: 202.237.0682
Website: http://washington.embassy.qa/
U.S. Commercial Service Export Assistance Qatar Country Portal
Download the Qatar Country Guide
ATA Carnet Specifics
ATA Carnets are accepted in all customs offices a list of offices are available at http://www.customs.gov.qa or can be reached by telephone at 974-4445-7107.
- Qatar does not accept split shipments, what is listed at the time of entry must be the same items listed for re-exportation. However, if only importing select item numbers listed on the general list and not the entire general list, then those same item numbers must be re-exported.
- ATA Carnets are accepted for goods shipped as cargo as well as hand-carried goods.
- Carnets are accepted from either ATA or Istanbul Contracting Parties (countries).
- ATA Carnets are accepted for transit operations.
- When completing the Importation Voucher, it is advised that you notate on the importation voucher in section F b) Declare that goods are intended for use atthe following:
- Name of the Event
- Venue of the Event
- Duration of the Event
Penalties and Regularization Fees
Penalties will be assessed if goods are not re-exported on or before the final date of re-exportation notated in box 2 of the importation counterfoil. A fee of QAR 1,000 (US$275) shall be payable weekly or part of the week past the re-exportation date with the condition that the final amount shall not exceed 20% of the value of the goods.
Regularization fees range between QAR500 (US$140) to QAR1,000 (US$275) which are assessed when a claim is settled with alternative proof of re-exportation as opposed to a validated re-exportation counterfoil by Qatar customs.
For further details on Qatar’s acceptance please read our blog post.
Trade Shows
DONA BEAUTY & FITNESS EXPO: Health and Wellness
FIFA WORLD CUP: 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar