January 19, 2016 | eBond
L.A. CBP Publishes Public Bulletin re ACE Mandatory Use Date

On January 15, 2016, CBP’s Los Angeles Office of Field Operations published Public Bulletin #LA15-020 reminding the trade that, effective February 28, 2016, ACS will no longer be available for electronic filing of entries/entry summaries. Filers will be required to use ACE only for electronic filings. Non-ACE filings must be via paper submission, which (CBP warns) will result in delays in entry processing/release of cargo. Due to programming and certain PGA concerns, some trade groups have strongly urged further delay of this transition but, to date, CBP has maintained that the deactivation of ACS for electronic filing will proceed as scheduled.
Roanoke Trade continues to encourage all filers to maximize coordination with their Automated Broker Interface (ABI) software providers to achieve the highest possible level of readiness for upcoming ACE developments.