March 04, 2022 | Transportation
Managing Customs Bond Sufficiency in a Chaotic Trade Climate

As Featured in American Journal of Transportation
Trade remedy tariffs are no longer headline news, but they are still relevant and pose a unique set of delay and disruption concerns for importers. High among these concerns are insufficient Customs Bonds. With no end in sight for any relief from these tariffs, importers and their customs brokers should continue to monitor their import bonds for sufficiency closely.
In an article recently featured in American Journal of Transportation, Roanoke’s Assistant Vice President, Maya Mackey, discusses the chaotic trade climate and its impact on managing customs bond sufficiency. According to Mackey, one of the best ways to avoid extra costs, burdens, and unnecessary liability is to obtain a bond in the proper amount, especially since maintaining a sufficient Customs Bond is within the importer’s control.
Read the full article here to learn how to avoid delay and disruption in your business by vigilantly monitoring your import bond sufficiency and visit our bond sufficiency FAQ page for additional information and resources.