April 22, 2014 | Industry Insights
Update on Exemptions for ATA Carnet

Update on Exemptions for ATA Carnet
Roanoke Insurance Group confirmed that the U.S. Council for International Business (USCIB) has received a written statement from U.S. Census clarifying that during this period of Informed Compliance ATA Carnet shipments will still be exempt from the new EEI filing requirement. U.S. Census stated the following: “During this period (of Informed Compliance), the CBP will not penalize Carnet holders, authorized agents, or carriers of these goods for failure to file the EEI or ship Carnet exports. The period of informed compliance will take place from the revised FTR effective date of April 5, 2014, through October 2, 2014. As a temporary solution to ensure that carriers will load cargo, the U.S. Principal Parties in Interest or the authorized agent may include “CARNET” as an exemption statement on required manifest documents per FTR 30.45.” To learn more about past updates regarding these changes, we invite you to view our consistently updated landing page by clicking here.
During this period of Informed Compliance Roanoke Insurance Group is actively working with USCIB, U.S. Census and U.S. CBP to understand the requirements, find equivalences where possible, and continue to request exemption status for all if not most ATA Carnet shipments that do not require export licenses. To stay current with the EEI changes and other ATA Carnet updates, we invite you to sign up for our mailing list, follow us on Twitter and connect with us on LinkedIn .