You’ve heard that the best defense is a good offense. That’s true of insurance claims as well. Take advantage of your insurance company’s loss control offerings to reduce the potential for a claim.
Before a claim occurs, we recommend the following:
- Create a business-restoration plan to use in case of disaster. The plan should include names and contact numbers of suppliers, employees, and companies that clean, rebuild and do fire restoration work.
- The best defense in the protection of your real and personal property is an up-to-date appraisal or inventory with photographs to document the condition of the property prior to the disaster.
- Back up your systems daily. Arrange with your hardware and software vendors for replacement and/or temporary processing options.
- Store all of this information at another location.
Each type of insurance claim presents a different reporting structure. The information provided will assist you in gathering information and reporting a claim to your insurer.
All of your policies contain a clause that requires you report claims as soon as possible. Failure to do so can affect your coverage.