Greece (GR)
Accepts ATA Carnets for Commercial Samples, Professional Equipment, and Exhibitions and Fairs
Apply Today
ATA Carnet Guarantee Association
Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry
7 Akadimias Street Athens 106 71, Greece
Tel: (302.10) 338.22.54, (302.10) 361.92.41
Fax: (302.10) 362.46.4.3, (302.10) 338.23.78
Embassy in the US
Embassy of Greece
2217 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 USA
Tel: 202.939.1300
Fax: 202.939.1324
U.S. Commercial Service Export Assistance Greece Country Portal
Download the Greece Country Guide
ATA Carnet Specifics
- The following Customs offices are NOT authorized to handle Carnet clearance; instead, they only handle transit, re-exportation and re-importation formalities: KIPOI, EVZONOI, PROMACHONAS, KAKAVIA
- For Carnets issued in EU countries, if goods have to go through these offices to a Non-EU country, the exportation formalities shall be completed at other offices at regional headquarters or Class 1 offices, and then transit out of EU by using 2 blue transit vouchers and 1 counterfoil.
- Similarly, for Carnets issued by Non-EU countries, goods may transit through these offices by using 2 blue transit vouchers and 1 counterfoil, and then complete importation formalities at other offices.
- ACCI will meet Customs authorities in September 2017 to have more information on classification of Customs offices.
Trade Shows
AGROTICA: Fair For Agricultural Machinery, Equipment & Supplies
ENERGY TECH: International Exhibition for Renewable and Conventional Energy Sources, Energy Saving, Technology and the Environment
HELLENIC JEWELLERY FAIR: International Exhibition for Jewellery, Watches, Precious Stones, Machinery & Equipment