Hungary (HU)
Accepts ATA Carnets for Commercial Samples, Professional Equipment, and Exhibitions and Fairs
Apply Today
ATA Carnet Guarantee Association
Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Kringlan 7 1S 103 Reykjavik, Iceland
Tel: (36.1) 474.5155
Fax: (36.1) 474.5159
Embassy in the US
Embassy of Hungary
3910 Shoemaker St NW Washington, DC 20008 USA
Tel: 202.362.6731
U.S. Commercial Service Export Assistance Hungary Country Portal
Download the Hungry Country Guide
ATA Carnet Specifics
COVID-19 Update:
The Holder of the ATA Carnet can apply for an extension of the final date of re-exportation.
ATA Carnet Specifics:
- Hungarian Customs limits live animals entering on an ATA Carnet to only competition and display/exhibition purposes.
- Hungary Customs does not allow animals to enter on ATA Carnet for keeping, training, breeding, and fattening purposes.
Trade Shows
BUDAPEST BOAT SHOW: International Boat Exhibition
AUTOMOTIVE HUNGARY: International Trade Exhibition for Automotive Industry Suppliers
UKBA: International Confectionery, Bakery and Gastronomy Show