Macedonia, Republic of (MK)
Accepts ATA Carnets for Commercial Samples, Professional Equipment, and Exhibitions and Fairs
Apply Today
ATA Carnet Guarantee Association
Economic Chamber of Macedonia
Dimitrie CuPOvski Street No 13 PO Box 324 – 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Tel: (389.2) 3244.000
Fax: (389.2) 3244.088
Embassy in the US
Embassy of the United States Skopje Macedonia
2129 Wyoming Ave NW Washington, DC 20008 USA
Tel: 202.667.0501
Fax: 389.2. 310.2499
U.S. Commercial Service Export Assistance Macedonia Country Portal
Download the Macedonia Country Guide
ATA Carnet Specifics
At this time there are no specific requirements for entering Macedonia on an ATA Carnet.
Trade Shows
BUILD AND CONSTRUCT: Fair of Construction Buildings Materials and Construction Mechanization
TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS SKOPJE: International Fair of Transport and Logistics
FINEXPO: Fair of Finance and Business Opportunities