Singapore (SG)
Accepts ATA Carnets for Commercial Samples, Professional Equipment, and Exhibitions and Fairs
Apply Today
ATA Carnet Guarantee Association
Singapore International Chamber of Commerce
6 Raffles Quay #10-01 Singapore 048580
Tel: (65) 6500.0988
Fax: (65) 6543.1052
Embassy in the US
Embassy of the Republic of Singapore
3501 International Pl NW Washington, DC 20008 USA
Tel: 202.537.3100
Fax: 202.537.0876
U.S. Commercial Service Export Assistance Singapore Country Portal
Download the Singapore Country Guide
ATA Carnet Specifics
Singapore customs maintains very strict controls in imports and exports and regularly restricts the validity period of all ATA Carnets to six months. If you are importing goods into Singapore on an ATA Carnet, you should verify the “Final date for reexportation productions to the Customs of goods” found in box ‘2’ of the importation counterfoil. This is the date by which the goods must be re-exported. If more time is needed, the ATA Carnet holder or their representative should make a request for an extension to Singapore customs prior to that date at:
Temporary Import Unit, Documentation Branch Revenue House
55 Hewton Road #10-01
Singapore 309987
Tel: 6355.2000 / Fax: 6250.9606
If the intended use of the goods are Exhibitions and Fairs customs only allows the ATA Carnet to be used one time in their country.
For Permanent Entry of merchandise under Carnets, please follow these requirements:
- Holder/representative must notify Singapore Customs in writing and provide the reason(s);
- Notification should be directed to:
Compliance & Temporary Import Unit, Permits Compliance Branch Revenue House
55 Newton Road #06-02
Singapore 307987
Fax: 6250.9606 or Tel: 6355.2000
3. Failure to do so, Holders will be subject to the imposition of duties, taxes, and penalties.
- Amount varies, ranging from 30 -250 SGD (Singapore Dollars) to 5,000 SGD + 7% of GST/duties of the merchandise if applicable
- Penalties will be applicable to the following circumstances:
- Carnets not presented to customs for validation upon re-exportation
- Failure to notify customs in advance for late re-exportation (item 1 above)
- False declaration of value
- Failure to apply for customs supervision for stuffing/un-stuffing of containers; Holders/representatives should contact Singapore Customs for further guidance
For further details please contact your ATA Carnet Service Desk at 1.800.Carnet (1.800.227.6387) or by email at
Trade Shows
SBA – SWEETS & BAKES ASIA: International Sweets, Deserts & Bakery Exhibition
PARIS DESIGN ASIA: French and international design professionals showcase
ASIA PACIFIC MARITIME: Technologies and Services in Shipping, Ports, Marine & Offshore Technology, Shipbuilding, and Ship Repair