Switzerland (CH)

Accepts ATA Carnets for Commercial Samples, Professional Equipment, and Exhibitions and Fairs

Apply Today

ATA Carnet Guarantee Association

Swiss Alliance of Chambers of Commerce

4, Boulevard du Théâtre Boite Postale 5039 CH-1211 Geneva 11

Tel: (41.22) 819.9140

Fax: (41.22) 819.9144

Email: alliance@ccig.ch

Website: http://www.ccig.ch/

Embassy in the US

Embassy of Switzerland

2900 Cathedral Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 USA

Tel: 202.745.7900

Fax: 202.387.2564

Website: http://www.eda.admin.ch/

U.S. Department of State Switzerland country page Switzerland Country Guide

ATA Carnet Specifics


If the goods are unable to re-export within the validity of the Carnet contact your ATA Carnet Service Representative to obtain a Replacement Carnet.  Replacements can be sent to customs via courier service to the address below.

Federal Customs Administration

Zollinspektorat Kreuzlingen

Dienstabteilung St. Gallen

Oberstrasse 222

9014 St. Gallen


ATA Carnet Specifics:

  • For ATA Carnet shipments entering Switzerland for a trade show exhibition, customs officials at the time of entry will usually validate a blue transit counterfoil and voucher to move the goods from the place of entry (airport or border crossing point) to the location of the fair.
  • Upon entry to the event, a customs inspector will complete the transit by validating the second transit while at the same time, an importation certificate (white) will be validated to cover the goods while at the event.
  • Upon departure, the reverse will occur Reexportation set (white) and a transit set (blue) will be validated to cover the goods while “in transit” from the event to the airport or border crossing point.
  • At the port of export, the second transit must be validated to close out the transit operations.
  • Failure to have the 2nd transit validated will likely result in a 50 250 CHF (Swiss Francs) regularization fee, approximately US $56 to $285 These rules only apply to Carnets entering as EF (Exhibitions and Fairs)

Swiss Customs

Trade Shows

WOHGA ZUG: Home and Garden Fair


BEA – CHEVAL: Bern Horse Show

Roanoke is the leading provider of insurance and surety solutions for transportation and logistics providers. In fact, we are recognized as the most reliable source for U.S. customs bonds.


If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact with our team.



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