ATA Carnet Guarantee Association
Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA)
5F, 333 Keelung Road, Sec. 1 Taipei 11012, Taiwan R.O.C. Republic of China
Tel: (866.2) 2725.5200
Fax: (886.2) 2757.6998
Email: taitra@taitra.org.tw
Website: http://www.taiwantrade.com.tw/
Embassy in the US
Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States
4201 Wisconsin Avenue Washington, DC USA
Tel: 202.895.1800
Fax: 202.363.0999
Website: http://www.taiwanembassy.org/US
U.S. Commercial Service Export Assistance Taiwan Country Portal
Download the Taiwan Country Guide
ATA Carnet Specifics
Tecro/ AIT Carnes are used between Taiwan and the United States.
Special Requirements for identical merchandise visiting ATA Carnet countries and Taiwan.
- Two carnets must be issued, one an ATA Carnet and the other a Tecro/AIT.
- The Carnet numbers must be printed on the green covers and cross-referenced.
- When departing the U.S. both Carnets must be presented to CBP for validation in Box H of the green covers and the yellow exportation counterfoils. Either Carnet can be used for re-entry into the U.S.
Follow these proper steps to handle split/partial shipments with Taiwan Customs.
Taiwanese customs DOES NOT ACCEPT partial shipment for importation on a TECRO/AIT Carnet.
- All goods listed on a TECRO/AIT Carnet must be entered into Taiwan in its entirety.
- The Holder only needs ONE voucher for records at the time of entry and Taiwan customs stamps and dates the validation on ONE importation counterfoil.
Taiwanese customs ACCEPTS partial/split shipments for re-exportation on a TECRO/AIT Carnet.
- For Holders who plan to have split/partial shipments, additional counterfoils/vouchers must be issued before a Carnet is presented for its FIRST entry into Taiwan, but the items and date are not necessary to be indicated to the counterfoils before entry.
- The Holder needs to prepare additional counterfoils/vouchers when they first enter Taiwan or they will NOT able to perform split/partial re-exportation on the Carnet after entry is made.
Trade Shows
TAISPO: Taipei International Sporting Goods Show
TIBS: Taipei International Bakery Show
TAIPEI IN STYLE: Fashion & Accessories Fair