Thailand (TH)
Accepts ATA Carnets for Commercial Samples and Professional Equipment See ATA Carnet Specifics for more information.
Apply Today
ATA Carnet Guarantee Association
Board of Trade of Thailand
15/2 Rajbopit Road Bangkok 10200
Tel: (66.2) 018.6888 ext: 5500
Fax: (66.2) 622.1881
Embassy in the US
Royal Thai Embassy, Washington DC
1024 Wisconsin Ave NW Washington, DC 20007 USA
Tel: 202.944.3600
Fax: 202.944.3611
U.S. Commercial Service Export Assistance Thailand Country Portal
Download the Thailand Country Guide
ATA Carnet Specifics
Until further notice from WCF, Thailand accepts Carnets only for CS and PE, NOT EF. At present, USCIB will not be changing the green cover as WCF is still working to resolve this issue with Thai customs.
For Sea freight, customs accepts only one intended use listed in box ”C” on the ATA Carnet.
Holders departing Bangkok airport should contact customs officers-ud-736-UD-736 at the departure hall, opposite row #5 for re-export clearance.
Thai Customs typically restricts the ATA Carnet entries to 3 months, however, the ATA Carnet holder may obtain an extension from Royal Thai Customs before the final date of re-exportation marked on the foreign counterfoil but not exceeding the valid date of the ATA Carnet.
If the extension is obtained prior to the final date of re-exportation marked on the foreign counterfoil but not exceeding validity date of the ATA Carnet this can be done without a penalty charge.
If the extension is obtained after the final date of re-exportation on the foreign counterfoil and before the validity of the ATA Carnet, there will be a penalty charge. The ATA Carnet holder is advised to keep the penalty fees receipt in case of any further claims disputes.
Regularization Fees
If the re-exportation evidence from Thailand is proven by documents other than the duly signed and stamped re-exportation counterfoil, Thai Customs will charge a regularization fee, which is calculated on the basis of the value of the goods, represents 0% of the import duties. It should not be less than Baht 1,000 (roughly 25 Euros) and not more than Baht 20,000 (roughly 450 Euros).
- Carnet entry will be restricted to 3 months.
- No penalty if extension is obtained from Royal Thai Customs before the final date of re-exportation.
- Holder will pay penalty if seeking extension after the final date of re-exportation, but not exceeding the Carnet expiry. Carnet Holders must keep and forward a copy of the penalty receipt to USCIB for future claim disputes.
Trade Shows
TIFF: Thailand International Furniture Fair
GRTE: International Exhibition for Rubber, Latex & Tire Industries