ATA Carnet Guarantee Association
Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry
PO Box 1457 Dubai, UAE
Tel: (971) 4.202.8414
Fax: (971) 4.0202.8204
Email: atacarnet@dubaichamber.com
Website: https://www.dubaichamber.com
Embassy in the US
United Arab Emirates Embassy
3522 International Court NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20008 USA
Tel: 202.243.2400
Fax: 202.243.2432
Website: https://www.uae-embassy.org
U.S. Commercial Service Export Assistance United Arab Emirates Country Portal
Download the United Arab Emirates Country Guide
ATA Carnet Specifics
- Musical Instruments and automobiles (e.g. Formula 1 race cars) can be imported on ATA Carnets into the UAE.
- Partial shipments are not accepted under the ATA Carnet System.
- Typically limited to 6 months, may extend till Carnet Expiry.
- UAE customs charge service for validation after hours.
- Accepted in Dubai and as of October 1st in Abu Dhabi
Limited to following ports:
Abu Dhabi – Port Zayed
Abu Dhabi – International Airport
Dubai – Jabel Ali Port
Dubai – International Airport
Dubai – AlMaktoum International Airport
Dubai Chamber of Commerce Terminal details:
1. Terminal 1: Arrivals Hall, inspection office and Gold office Contacts:
Tel: + 971 4 4446744or + 971 4 4446714
2. Terminal 2: Arrivals Hall, inspection office Contacts:
Tel: (971) 4.444.6614 or (971) 4.444.6614
3. Terminal 3: Arrivals section, Hall No.4 near duty-free & Marhaba office Contacts:
Tel: (971) 4.444.6744 or (971) 4.444.6741
The remainder of rules for Dubai:
1. Carnet must be validated by local customs prior to your departure from UAE.
2. Ensure that customs have stamped each counterfoil and retained the correct page.
3. If the ATA Carnet is not presented for validation to the local customs while departing, a penalty up to AED 5000 (US$1, 360) may be imposed by UAE.
Trade Shows
MIDDLE EAST ELECTRICITY: Power & Electricity Exhibition
DUBAI ANAESTHESIA: Dubai International Anesthesia Conference and Exhibition
DUBAI INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW: Dubai International Boat Show