Motor truck cargo legal liability refers to the legal obligation of a motor carrier for any loss or harm to cargo under their care, supervision, and authority. This responsibility is defined through the terms outlined in the contract of carriage, often supported by the issuance of a bill of lading.
Motor Truck Cargo Legal Liability

What is Motor Truck Cargo Legal Liability Insurance?
Understanding Motor Truck Cargo Legal Liability Insurance
Motor truck cargo legal liability insurance is a type of coverage that is intended to protect motor carriers, often trucking companies, and their drivers from any legal liabilities associated directly with the transport of cargo. This type of insurance is pivotal for the trucking industry as it covers:
- Cargo loss
- Cargo damage
- Cargo theft
Motor Truck Cargo Legal Liability insurance typically covers the cargo while it is in the care, custody, and control of the motor carrier. It includes protection for cargo handling, loading, unloading, and transportation. The liability protection covers any damage or loss due to accidents, collisions, theft, vandalism, or any other unforeseen circumstances. It is a safeguard that protects against any financial losses resulting from cargo-related peril.
While it’s necessary for motor carriers to exercise care and caution when transporting goods, there is always a risk of loss or damage. Motor truck legal liability insurance can provide carriers protection in the event that the worst happens to their cargo during transportation.