International Freight Forwarders arrange ocean or air freight shipments. Ocean Freight Forwarders do NOT issue their own house bills of lading (see NVOCC for this type of operation), and they do NOT act as carriers. International air carriers may act as indirect air carriers by issuing a house airway bill (see Indirect Air Carrier for this type of operation). Ocean Freight Forwarder operations are regulated by the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC).
Who We Serve
International Freight Forwarder

Who We Serve
How International Freight Forwarders Can Benefit
Who We Serve
Other Solutions You May Need
Do you have operations outside the parameters of strictly freight forwarding? You may have additional risk that needs to be considered. Never hesitate to contact your Roanoke insurance broker for guidance, and be sure to view the full compliment of logistics and supply chain solutions we have to offer. Depending on the additional services you offer, you might consider:
- Warehouse Legal Liability Insurance
- Bailee Liability Insurance
- Packer’s Liability Insurance
- Custodial Customs Bond
- Contingent Motortruck Cargo Insurance
- Contingent Business Auto Insurance