ATA Carnet

Brazil Welcomes ATA Carnets!

After much anticipation USCIB announced that Brazil has started accepting ATA Carnets for professional equipment and exhibitions and fairs! This could not come at a better time with the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games being held this year in Rio. ATA Carnets are, simply put, passports for goods as they facilitate temporary entry into over […]

ATA Carnet

Atlanta ATA Carnets: Same Day Pick Up Now Available

We are very excited to announce the launch of our Atlanta ATA Carnet pick-up location! We have partnered with Mullins International Solutions (MIS) to provide you with ATA Carnet service in the Atlanta area. To coordinate an ATA Carnet pick up in Atlanta today, please contact your ATA Carnet Help Desk at 1.800.Carnets (1.800.227.6387) or Mullins International Solutions is an […]

ATA Carnet, Corporate Communiqué

ATA Carnet Processing Fees Set to Increase in 2016

The U.S. Council for International Business (USCIB), the U.S. appointed national guaranteeing association for ATA Carnets, announced that the ATA Carnet processing fees will increase on February 1, 2016. The new pricing structure increases the basic fee tiers from four to six, allowing for more fee options based on a wider variety of general list […]

ATA Carnet, Industry Insights

ATA Carnet Shipments Impacted by Importer Security Filing (ISF)

The trade community is directly impacted by CBP’s importer security filing (ISF, also known as 10+2) requirements. ATA Carnet shipments are no exception, as ATA Carnets are not exempt from ISF. However, ATA Carnet shipments are exempt from posting the bond required of other shipments entering or re-entering the U.S. via ocean vessel. Except for […]

ATA Carnet, ISF

Final EEI Ruling Published Without Change

After great anticipation, we are pleased to announce that the Census Bureau’s International Trade Management Division (ITMD) published the Final Rule on Friday, May 15, 2015. This new rule, which revises the Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR), Title 15, Part 30, finalizes the interim rule without change. The final ruling reinstates the previous filing exemptions in Sections […]

ATA Carnet, Industry Insights

Indonesia is Joining the ATA Carnet System!

Roanoke Trade is pleased to announce Indonesia as the world’s 75th member nation to join the international ATA Carnet network. This much anticipated trading partner of the U.S. will begin accepting and issuing ATA Carnets on May 15, 2015. As the world’s fourth most populous nation, Indonesia has become an economic leader in Southeast Asia. A secular […]

ATA Carnet, Industry Insights

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