Resource Center
ATA Carnet
We received notification from USCIB that there are new procedures for hand-carried diamonds entering Israel on an ATA Carnet, effective January 15, 2015. However, the instructions provided in handling the ATA Carnet validation and the merchandise are unclear. In the meantime, the Israeli guaranteeing association is checking with their authorities and we hope to receive […]
After great anticipation the Census Bureau’s Foreign Trade Division (FTD) has announced the publication of an Interim Final Rule that amends its regulations to eliminate the reporting requirement for temporary exports. The revision to the Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR), Title 15, Part 30 reinstates the previous filing exemptions in Sections 30.37(q) and (r) of the FTR for temporary exports, […]
Roanoke Insurance Group is very pleased to inform you that our hard work has paid off in securing exemption from the Electronic Export Filing (EEI) filing requirement for ATA Carnets! We received verbal confirmation from both U.S. Customs and Border protection (CBP) and U.S. Census Bureau yesterday. U.S. Census is currently working on revising the […]
Roanoke Insurance Group regularly checks on the status of the requested re-exemption for ATA Carnets from the Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing requirement under the new Foreign Trade Regulations. As of today we still have no response on the status and thus no further update to share. We can tell you that US Census has released their official FAQ on how ATA […]
Roanoke Insurance Group confirmed that the U.S. Council for International Business (USCIB) has received a written statement from U.S. Census clarifying that during this period of Informed Compliance ATA Carnet shipments will still be exempt from the new EEI filing requirement. U.S. Census stated the following: “During this period (of Informed Compliance), the CBP will […]
Roanoke Insurance Group and USCIB have successfully confirmed the delay in implementation of the new Foreign Trade Regulations as pertains to ATA Carnet. Therefore ATA Carnets departing the United States WILL NOT be required to change their current practice on/or after April 5 as we originally reported on March 11 of this year. This 6 months delay allows us to continue to […]