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Cyber Attacks Rise Against Maritime Industry The International Maritime Bureau warns that the maritime industry could become “the next playground for hackers,” and 2014 has been a banner year with cyber attacks against the industry increasing considerably. Carriers, ports, terminals and other transport operators are targeted by cyber criminals, who take advantage of the sophisticated […]
We humbly extend our gratitude to those that have served our country and protected our freedoms. This Veteran’s Day, we honor those that have maintained the pillars that form this great nation. With profound gratitude we thank you, Veterans and your families, for your selfless sacrifice and service.
Roanoke Trade’s speaker Terry Cummings will outline the eBond process and how it will impact you. She will also explain the new process of filing bonds electronically. For those CHBs who will continue to file entries via ABI until November, you will want to take advantage of the benefits eBond has to offer come January […]
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) together with the National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of American (NCBFAA) will be conducting an eBond webinar on Thursday, November 13, 2014 from 12:30PM to 2:00PM EST. This webinar is intended to provide information on upcoming electronic bond functionality being deployed to the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) for […]
J.F.K. Airport Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Association Inc. presents: ATA Carnet: Your Cargo’s Passport What every broker and forwarder needs to know about handing ATA Carnets – import, export, applications, bonds, restrictions and more. Seminar Information WHEN: November 12, 2014at 9:30AM (EST) WHERE: Russo’s on the Bay 162-45 Cross Bay Boulevard Howard Beach, NY 11414 […]