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The human tragedy unfolding in the Middle East has seen hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees fleeing their country between January and September, making their way through Turkey onto Greece in the hopes of settling in Germany and other countries as Europe opened their borders and streamlined the process earlier this year. In addition, even […]
ATA Carnets are international customs documents that provide duty-free customs clearance for temporary imports/exports into over 100 countries. ATA Carnet simplifies temporary entry by eliminating the need to post a financial guarantee. Virtually all goods, whether hand-carried or cargo-shipped, may be covered by ATA Carnets. This ATA Carnet Fundamentals webinar will help you understand all […]
The Panama Canal’s $5.25 billion expansion, scheduled to open in April 2016, is expected to have a major impact on the global trade and shipping industry, specifically in the way in which cargo is handled and transported throughout North America. The expansion is set to accommodate a new generation of larger cargo ships, with America’s […]
Roanoke’s own Colleen Clarke, Amanda Barlow, Joe Chillino, Sheila Skipper and Kathleen Dorman will be attending the Advanced Topics in Customs Compliance conference in Houston, Texas from February 3 – 5, 2016. The Advanced Topics in Customs Compliance conference brings together seasoned import and export professionals, attorneys, brokers and other international trade professionals in a highly […]
Roanoke will be exhibiting at the annual ICPA (International Compliance Professionals Association) Conference March 13 – 16, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The ICPA is a non-profit, global trade compliance community whose mission is to provide networking opportunities and resources to individuals involved in international trade compliance. Roanoke’s own Terry Cummings, Amanda Barlow and Patrice […]